We have been pulling statistics, numbers, and global averages that have not done much in producing concrete results with food wastes. If anything, they have established that food waste has doubled lately instead of going towards the 2030 SDGs halving goals.
More than a third of the world's food is wasted. Numbers show that 45% of fruits and vegetables are wasted worldwide, 35 % are fish and seafood, 30% are of cereals.
Food production is a barometer for sustainability. Humanity currently extracts resources much faster than they can be regenerated, and to an irreversible state.
Life multiplies through an ever-growing natural cycle. But when the cycle is broken, it has to be readjusted before the point of no return.
The shift to economic responsibility and social awareness is only forced on us as a result of natural global events such as climate change or global biological threats such as epidemics and the latest pandemic. Populations trying to escape drastic conditions of lives generated by the domino effects of politics & economics are nevertheless an ever-growing problem. Poverty levels are rising.
Global awareness is the first step in the realization of a possible change. By bringing social consciousness and diligence, populations' daily habits of waste can change.
Healthy agriculture with water availability are basics and major in a well-rounded natural cycle, that generates itself global growth and prosperity. Political stability, health, and economic well-being are all connected. Wars are always the end result of severe economic unbalances.
Food systems do not only shape peoples’ diets, they connect with their nutritional, educational, and health systems. They shape their economic development and society as a whole. Food, the fuel we provide our biology and hence nutrition, brings logistics to our lives. Food generates physical and emotional health. The consequences of nutrition on human, social and economic development are essential.
With health, responsibility should be included since health is vital to human life and survival, thinking, as a whole made of parts, where everything is interconnected. This is why the way agriculture and food systems are implemented are crucial in policy handling.
Agri-food system policies and programs have to be fine-tuned and prioritized to provide for healthy diets and improved nutrition to all societies. All the tools we have, including technology and AI have to be utilized at maximum capacity, in all the fields this technology can handle worldwide. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries are all part of a whole that includes health and education.
Through Education, we can provide and underline how healthy diets prevent malnutrition and how policy-making end up affecting simply politics and economics globally, having repercussions on wealth and health issues, including the latest pandemic that shipwrecked the whole planet.